Managing Urban Disaster Risk Analysis and Adaptation Frameworks for Integrated Settlement Development Programming for the Urban Poor


  • Christine Wamsler

The De part ment's field of re search cov ers the en tire pro cess of plan ning, con struc tion and man age ment, from con cep tuali sation to de mo li tion and re use. Re search stud ies in clude tech nol ogy as well as so cial stud ies, hu man i ties and arts. These can be stud ied in an in ter-dis ci plin ary and multi-dis ci plin ary way, or more in-depth stud ies can be car ried out within one of the sub ject ar eas of the re search field. Hous ing De vel op ment & Man age ment Hous ing De vel op ment & Man age ment (HDM) is a di vi sion of the De part ment of Ar chi tec ture and Built En vi ron ment. It un der takes train ing and re search in hous ing and ur ban de vel op-ment from an in ter na tional per spec tive: plan ning, de sign, use and man age ment, as well as the re la tion ship be tween the dwell ing and its sur round ings from the neigh bour hood to the city level. HDM's aim is to un der stand and ana lyse how the pro cesses which lead to good hous ing and sus tain able ur ban de vel op ment can be im proved, es pe cially for the poor. HDM con ducts ad vanced in ter na tional train ing for plan ners, ar chi tects, en gi neers and other pro fes sion als, which is spon sored by the Swed ish In ter na tional De vel op ment Co op er a-tion Agency (Sida). HDM staff con duct re search and stud ies in the fol low ing main ar eas: • Hous ing im prove ment and lo cal de vel op ment; • Gen der as pects in plan ning and de sign of hous ing and the built en vi ron ment; • Hous ing seg re ga tion; • Risk man age ment for set tle ment de vel op ment in re gions prone to 'nat u ral' di sas ters; • Build ing de sign with con sid er ation for cli mate, com fort and en ergy con sump tion; • User par …

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عنوان ژورنال:

دوره   شماره 

صفحات  -

تاریخ انتشار 2010